1 Introduction
During the COVID-19 pandemic there are restrictions on what events may be held in the hall, and on the number of people that can attend an event. The restrictions may change at short notice. This is some guidance, but a hirer must make their own checks on current regulations.
2 Normal Conditions of Hire
The pandemic does not remove the need to adhere to all the normal conditions of hire and safety precautions. The Premises Licence and the Privacy Notice are referenced in the Conditions of Hire.
3 COVID-19 Changes
Please read our documents:
COVID-19 Special Conditions is a very short document to add to the contractual main conditions of hire to detail the responsibility for various actions to be taken to ensure the safety of events and attendees.
COVID-19 Safety Precautions lists actions we have identified that hirers will need to take to keep attendees safe.
COVID-19 Risk Assessment is our assessment of risks and the actions needed to address them. Many of those actions are detailed in the COVID-19 Safety Precautions.
You are legally required to prepare your own risk assessment in addition to ours.
We have prepared some layout plans to help you assess how many attendees you can allow at your event.
Government guidance includes: